Every visit to a pharmacy is a reminder to millions of Californians of the high price of prescription drugs in this country. It’s not just that they cost more, but that the costs are often unjust — the result of price-gouging practices and patent manipulation by the pharmaceutical industry. The tactics of Martin Shkreli became famous because they were shameless, not because they were unique.

One egregious example of problematic pricing by drug companies is a practice called “pay for delay.”

Read more: https://www.sfchronicle.com/opinion/openforum/article/Open-Forum-Californians-need-prescription-drug-14465532.php?psid=efdFT&fbclid=IwAR3KkqN1TK3Sw87yj7kNizfi0-wtby1Jjk5_B-BmRhGPR6M8TC76iQw6K70#